Hiatus Read Through: Week 3

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Week 3: Episodes 30-48

This Week’s Workbook & Week Guide:

This week's workbook includes your episode tracker, a weekly planner, discussion questions, easter eggs, a brief list of trivia and facts about the episodes we’re covering, and more! It’s 20-pages worth of Lore Olympus goodness than you can either print or use as a digital planner.


Week 3 Episodes

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Week 3 Discussions Questions

  • Do you think it’s fair for Hera to test Hades’ feelings for Persephone considering their relationship?

  • Do you think Thetis’ line about “crying is for wives” helped inspire Minthe to cry at Hades’ door?

  • What do you think Persephone’s Greenhouse dream means? What are the ambitions that are “rotting at her feet?”

  • What are your impressions of Hecate’s relationship with Hades? Knowing that Minthe physically assaults Hades in a later episode, what are your thoughts on Hecate slapping Hades in episode 34?

  • What do you think of Minthe’s appearance at Hades’ door? Is she genuine in the feelings she presents to Hades or is she only there to keep from losing him to competition?

You can also submit your own questions below! Or use our hashtag #LOREADTHROUGH on Twitter and Facebook.

Fun Facts!

  • Zeus drinks appletinis. He would.

  • Hera and Hebe wear matching outfits.

  • It makes sense that the Underworld has a great Doggy Daycare facility. It’s probably Hades’ pet project.

  • The Greek Hades speaks in episode 40 is, “Assemble” and “I’m a terrible king.”

  • Big John is a girl.

  • The social media platform Hades uses to try to look up Persephone is “Fatesbook.”

  • The search engine Hades uses to search for TGOEM is called Oracle, and it’s also offered in Latin.

  • Russell needs his ear drops at precisely 2PM.

Do you have more? Tell us in the comments!

Easter Eggs and Important Points for Later Episodes

  • Episode 30: Amphitrite (Poseidon’s wife) has a tail in the portrait.

  • Episode 31: The title of this episode is, “A Treat for Being a Fool,” which is a callback to what Hera said about Hades in episode 20. In that episode, Zeus said to Hera that Hades works hard, so doesn’t he deserve something nice (indicating Persephone). Hera is angry because Persephone is a person, and not an object, and she says, “So, Hades lets some trollop walk all over him for years and years. And now he gets a treat for being a fool?”

  • Episode 32: Hades starts to stutter when talking to Aphrodite, who points it out by saying, “You’re stammering. Didn’t you get over that decades ago?” We learn in a later episode that Hades was struggling with the ability to speak after being trapped in Kronos for 13 years.

  • Episode 32: Aphrodite refers to Hades as “Aidoneus,” which he does not like, and tells her not to call him that. In a later episode, Persephone calls him Aidoneus in a dream he has in which they are married.

  • Episode 33: Minthe runs a lint roller over Hades’ suit before hugging him, implying she has issues with pet hair and his dogs.

  • Episode 34: When Hades learns about the tabloid, he recalls Aphrodite’s words from episode 32: “When she was in your realm, in your care, did you show her the best you could be?” 

  • Episode 38: Persephone slept in her chair. This is one of several instances in which she does not sleep in her bed following the assault. 

  • Episode 39: The flower crown Persephone gave Cerberus in episode 37 is hanging on Hades’s laptop.

  • Episode 39: There is a poster of Styx hanging in the lobby of Tower 1.

  • Episode 44: When Hades talks to Persephone about the tabloid article, she isn’t upset and Hades says, “You’re not mad? Where is your sense of wrath?” This is one of several times wrath and acts of wrath is mentioned. We eventually learn that Persephone committed a large act of wrath.

  • Episode 46: The title card for episode 46, “Red Raw,” has red nymph ears drawn onto Persephone. 

  • Episode 46: “Fuck” is spelled in magnets on Minthe’s fridge.

  • Episode 46: When Minthe is holding the Barley Mother cereal box and wondering if Hades and Persephone slept together, the image on the box is of a smirking Persephone with the text, “Sliding into your man’s DMs.”

  • Episode 47: When Hades is typing Persephone the letter, in the panel where he says, “I don’t think you can be in love with someone you don’t know,” he is crying.

  • Episode 48: Hades’ mug says “Underworld’s Best Daddy.”

  • Episode 48: The truck the Furies are using to hide in to track down Alex Petre is a mail truck and has a Hermes symbol on the side.

Did you find more? Let us know in the comments!

Week 3 Wallpapers




Cara is a creative writer. Her written works have been featured and published in numerous platforms, including Thought Catalog, Eternal Remedy, and Vagabomb.


Hiatus Read Through: Week 4


Hiatus Read Through: Week 2