Submit to LoreOlympians.Com
LOREOLYMPIANS.COM is currently accepting submissions of the following:
Essays, analysis, and commentary about themes and topics in Lore Olympus.
Fan art and cosplay may be considered for future interviews or roundups is we restart that feature.
Fanfiction to be shared on our site and tumblr.
Essays and Analysis
HOW TO SEND US YOUR WORK: We only accept ESSAYS and ANALYSIS submissions through email with the subject line: ESSAYS.
LOREOLYMPIANS.COM accepts essays, analysis, and commentary with topics relating to Lore Olympus. The following categories are as follows:
Character Profiles
Any topics in Lore Olympus (ex. classicism, relationships, etc)
While LOREOLYMPIANS.COM aims to provide space for open discussions and critical analysis, we will not accept submissions with mean-spirited intent towards Rachel Smythe or Lore Olympus.
We reserve the right to reject essays based on cw or tw.
Additional Guidelines for Essay/Article Submissions:
FORMAT: Microsoft Word or PDF attachments, no more than 2,000 words. Keep paragraphs short, and use headers and subheaders to break up your post.
SPELLING AND GRAMMAR: Grammar is important, please proofread your essays as we may not have time to edit for spelling or grammar.
IMAGES: You may include images with your submission, as long as you have permission to use it.
AUTHOR BIO: Include a brief bio about yourself in third person with no more than 5 sentences. You may include any of your social media handles.
What will we do with your submission? Your work will be highlighted in a brief post with a link to your work on AO3, FF.net, etc. on our Fanfiction Directory or IG story highlights.
This means the post would be visible based on our navigation. It's important your work has appropriate ratings, warnings, and tags to inform readers of triggering content. We reserve the right to not post the work if it is not fully transparent what your work contains.
Learn more about how to properly rate/warn/tag here.
By tagging us (@loreolympians) in your fanart, you acknowledge that:
a) we may reshare your artwork on our platforms either by Retweet or Instagram Story
b) embed your Instagram or Twitter post in a “Round Up” blog post of embedded artworks around a specific topic/theme. (specific characters, a panel redraw, The Kiss, Mermay, etc)
C) the work is your own or is properly attributed as a commission by an artist with their socials tagged.
We may someday restart our interviews with artists in the fandom. If there is someone you wish to nominate for a feature, please fill out the form below and we’ll add them to the list for future consideration.
We may not respond immediately after a submission is received.
By tagging us (@loreolympians) in your cosplay, you acknowledge that:
a) we may reshare your artwork on our platforms either by Retweet or Instagram Story
b) embed your Instagram or Twitter post in a “Round Up” blog post of embedded artworks around a specific topic/theme
c) you have full consent and permission from all parties involved in your photo.
D) your post will be removed at the reasonable request of anyone featured in your images or in order to keep the space safe for the community.
We may someday restart our interviews with cosplayers in the fandom. If there is someone you wish to nominate for a feature, please fill out the form below and we’ll add them to the list for future consideration.
We may not respond immediately after a submission is received.
Selected pieces are processed in the order of submission. For essays and analysis, they may undergo editing process where suggestions are provided and returned to be included at the discretion of the writer.
Submissions are voluntary with the understanding that LOREOLYMPIANS.COM does not provide monetary compensation for the work submitted.
We respect Rachel’s IP and reserve the right to not post any submission that is malicious or in bad faith to Lore Olympus or its creator.
We will not share information leading to an artist’s patreon out of respect to Rachel’s IP.