Myth Behind the Lore
Zimi is a 21-year old Anthropology major. She is the host of an IGTV show and podcast (coming soon!) called The Myth Behind the Lore, where she delves into Ancient Greek myths, culture, and history.

Season 2 Announcement
Season Two
In this episode, Zimi and Sarah talk about courtship, weddings, and marriage in Ancient Greece.
In this episode, join Zimi and IG@sydneysaidso for an amazing episode about Ancient Greek architecture.
Zimi talks about sexuality and gender in Ancient Greece and in Greek Mythology. Topic was suggested by @luckyroniii and @cosmic_baby_demon
In the second episode of Season Two, Zimi delves into merchants and traders of Ancient Greece.
In the second episode of Season Two, Zimi delves into merchants and traders of Ancient Greece.

Season One
The finale for season 1 of “The Myth Behind the Lore” had to be spectacular… so Zimi asked the wonderful Jamie (@_hebe_jebbies) to be her special guest!
Zimi delves into the Ancient Greek class system and discusses the polis, or city-state system in Ancient Greece.
Zimi takes an episode to talk about the myth of Pandora’s box, the myth of Adonis, and the myth of Hyacinth and Apollo.
This fraught tale begins with the widely misunderstood Apple of Discord at Thetis’ wedding.
Dressed as one of her iconic drawings of Demeter Cow, Zimi hosts this Halloween special!
Zimi narrates a sorrowful tale of betrayal and madness. In this episode, she talks about king Minos of Crete, the Minotaur, princess Ariadne, Theseus, and Dionysus, the god of wine and madness. Dionysus’ backstory and mother are also discussed in this intricate episode.
The journey into the Underworld is widely written about and discussed in various myths. In this episode, Zimi gives viewers a “tour” of the Underworld from the transportation of souls from the mortal realm to the pathways that a soul could take depending on how it was judged.
The original Olympic games closely resemble the games we have today. Zimi enthusiastically discusses these original games, delving into the political impact of the games and each sport, complete with live demonstrations in her backyard!
The elusive goddess of the moon, Artemis, has some fascinating myths. In this episode, Zimi narrates the story of Artemis.
In this episode, Zimi discusses the 6 original Olympians, Zeus’ trickery of his father. She also reads and excerpt from “D’Aulaires Book of Greek Myths”
In this episode, Zimi discusses the titans and some of their offspring that we’ve come across in Lore Olympus
Zimi discusses primordial deities including Chaos, Chronos, Eros, Erebus, Tartarus, Nyx, and others.
In this episode, Zimi dives into Thales, Xenophanes, Leucippus, Socrates, and Artistotle.

In this penultimate episode, Zimi talks about ancient greek music.