What does Lore Olympus mean to you?
We asked fans to share with us their Lore Olympus story. What made them a fan? What made them stay? Often incredibly moving, and always inspirational, these stories demonstrate just how much this comic has impacted people’s lives for the better.
She helped to open my eyes
Originally I saw Lore Olympus as an amazing story and escape during a very difficult time in many of our lives, but it became so much more for me. It was the reason for my conscience to finally feel clear and clean and for my husband to know why I was the way I was when we first met so many years ago.
I want to thank Rachel for her portrayal of Persephone, for the decisions she made even though they must have been difficult to write knowing many could react in different ways. She has done justice to so many, through showing rape in a light that it is rarely shown and to so many on such a wide platform.
She helped to open my eyes, to admit what happened to me, to acknowledge that I am a victim, that it was NOT in any way my fault, and there was NOTHING I could have done differently to have stopped it from happening.
I AM stronger than the experience, the experience does NOT define who I am as a person nor my life since ending that chapter for good.
I doubt I will ever be able to tell her how much she has helped change my life and my outlook on so much. I have her to thank for being able to open up and tell all to the person who means the most to me in my life.
Thank you so much Rachel for everything, and thank you so much to all the fans who share their stories like mine. You've given me strength to open up and share my own. You are all so STRONG! Please never forget how strong you all are both physically and mentally!
I was diminished.
But reading Lore Olympus and watching Persephone’s journey navigating what had happened to her really helped me to see [that] I’ll be okay, and to help me survive.
I’m a survivor and I don’t know today where I’d be without Lore Olympus’ representation of rape and how someone can deal with it, and how even Gods have their own problems and emotions.
This story helps me cope through my depressive episodes, so it’s become this comforting reprieve for me. I’ve met people in the fandom who’ve expressed the same, and I think it’s heartwarming that the story has been there for people in their worst moments.
It reminds us that we’re not alone, in a way. I hope Rachel knows how much of a difference her story has made in our lives.
Lore Olympus has become something extremely meaningful to me. What started as another thing I could geek out about, became one of my greatest comforts as it helped me realize that something in the story was happening in my life too. It gave me the reassurance to do what was right and leave a really toxic long term relationship I was in. Seeing Hades realize he deserved better, helped me see that I deserved the same.
I never thought I was going to be able to relate to a character like Hades, always seeing more of myself in Persephone, but I really understand him, and he’s become a character I find a lot of comfort in.
Lore Olympus came into my life at a very difficult time. I was having, hands down, the worst year of my life, and this comic introduced me to webtoons and was this amazing escape from everything. When I got to the assault of Persephone, the comic took on a new meaning for me. I saw myself in Persephone, and as a survivor, her journey has been so, so healing and rewarding to read.
- Kaitlin
I relate to the characters so much. The wanting feeling, to be with someone who loves and respects you. The pain they feel hits deep for me. The amount of emotion. The way the ancient things are still there, but in a modern setting. Rachel does a great job in doing all those things. Each episode has made me smile or angry or sad in some way.
It’s made me feel like I do deserve love.
It’s made me feel like I can stand up for myself. It’s helped me in so many ways and I’m so glad I found it when I did. I honestly don’t know what my life would be like right now if I didn’t.
I discovered Lore Olympus at the start of the UK lockdown and read it all in a couple of days. It inspired me to start drawing again and enabled me to discover this fantastic community which helped keep me sane during isolation. It really means a lot!
This story gives me a lot of hope that I’ll find my spring.
My favorite story of Greek mythology is of Persephone. I know of so many different renditions and tellings, she just seems like a strong, independent, caring, and beautiful soul. The light in the darkness, she really is a queen and I adore the portrayal of Lore Olympus. I feel as though I am Hades, pining for the light and love and safety of Persephone. She means that he has a chance. I have a chance. This story gives me a lot of hope that I'll find my spring.
Lore Olympus made me interested in comics again and got me curious about myths and legends. It’s been a lovely reminder that it’s never too late to reignite old interests, and there is plenty to learn about to spark joy and passion.
- Sarah
This series give me hope.
I am beyond happy to be supporting Rachel on Patreon and getting to see her amazing process. This series gives me hope, helps me to escape my anxiety, and always gives me something to draw when I have art block. I've been reading for over two years now, and my fan art is never going to stop. I'm going to be rereading and drawing until the day I die.
Lore Olympus is responsible for introducing me to the world of webcomics. I loved everything about it from the start, but never expected to fall quite as hard as I did! It has been a great way to meet so many incredibly talented people in what has turned out to be a vibrant and thriving community.
It helped me get my creativity back! Before LO in February, I was in a major art funk/block of many years. Now I'm drawing and writing again!
My best friend and I have weekly WEBTOON “book club,” discussing Lore Olympus and all of our favorite Webtoons, and it has become the highlight of my week to spend an hour fan-girling over Hades. Fridays at 6 p.m. are what keep me moving through the week!
I started reading Lore Olympus when a Youtuber I watch started talking about the story and I was like, “That sounds interesting!” :D Then I downloaded WEBTOONS, and Lore Olympus was at around episode 60 at the time, and I read all of it in, like, two days.
I was in a kind of dark place when it came out, and I saw little Kore and it made me a little happier! Now I'm in a good state of mind and Lore Olympus really keeps me going.
I first started reading Lore Olympus because of Pinterest. One time, I was researching something about Greek mythology for my English class and I saw many pics from Lore Olympus and I loved them! After that, I tried to search where could I read it and that's when I found Webtoons. I got so obsessed with Lore Olympus that I finished 100 parts in a day 😅. After that, I just started loving the story and now I'm a proud fan of Lore Olympus! 💙💙💙
For me, Lore Olympus shows me it is never too late to start a new adventure and that friendship is one of the most important things we have, and we should appreciate that.

What is your Lore Olympus Story?
what made you a fan? what made you stay?
Lore Olympus deals with heavy themes and topics such as trauma, domestic violence, rape, assault, and abuse.