Our episode recaps cover what we’ve learned from each episode, including easter eggs, fun trivia, and other insights we may have.
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Season 1 Finale. Episode 115: The Bringer of Death
Persephone walks away from fighting with Demeter about feeling too sheltered. Her nymph friends begin to die as mortals are uprooting the flowers they are tied. A narrator tells how she punished them with a violent act of wrath that destroyed an entire village. Thanatos, Minthe, and Thetis tell Zeus what they’ve learned from Helios.
Episode 114: VHS
Hades watches the Fates’ tape, but it leaves him with more questions than answers.
Episode 113: Tell
Hades is excited to make breakfast or Persephone at his house and they have a lovely morning together. Persephone leaves Hades house only to run into Apollo and they have a confrontation that leaves her in tears. Hermes delivers the Fate tape to Hades.
Episode 112: Creature Comfort
Persephone is struggling to deal with all the stress factors in her life and her grades are slipping. That night she taps on the ground twice to summon Hades because she needs a friend. They discuss the kiss and cuddle as he spends the night.
Episode 111: You Tell Me
Hades and Persephone are still apart during this episode as they both process the kiss in different ways. The next day, Persephone blackmails Minthe with the map to Tower 4 into training her on the computer software. Things get pointed but Thanatos ends the training session before anything can be said.
Episode 110: Kaleidoscope
Megaera greets Persephone a Happy Birthday. Persephone sneaks into the Beach to give shades some coins.
Episode 108: Break Ups and Birthdays
Persephone finds out Hades and Minthe broke up. Thanatos tries to dig up dirt on Persephone through Hermes.
Episode 107: Special Treatment
It’s Persephone’s birthday. Hades introduces her to his new puppy and helps her open a bank account.
Episode 106: Business as Usual
It’s Persephone’s first day as an intern. Hades brings Pomelia with him to work.
Episode 105: Goodbye
Minthe tries manipulation tactic towards Hades. Thanatos breaks in Persephone’s room and steals her ledger.
Episode 102: I Love the Way You Make Me Feel
Demeter beats Ares with a pitchfork. Hades dreams of a life with Persephone.
Episode 99: Cupid’s Arrow
Apollo tells Persephone he knows she’s a fertility goddess. Eros comforts Persephone.