Episode 107: Special Treatment

Editor: Bre Boswell
Released: 19 April 2020


Episode 107 picks up right after episode 106 with Hermes tying birthday balloons to the wrist of a disgruntled and embarrassed-looking Persephone in Hades’ office. We hear Hades’ internal monologue as he panics at the news, internally chastising himself for not knowing it was her birthday which leads him to think he doesn’t know anything about her at all. After Hermes leaves, Hades asks her why she didn’t mention anything when they saw each other at the pool earlier that morning and we learn that Persephone not only doesn’t celebrate her birthday, but seems to have very negative connotations with it. 

“I’ll never turn down an impromptu visit from the Goddess of Spring. However, you told me you didn’t want special treatment.”


After finishing removing the balloons from Persephone’s wrist, Hades begins playfully teasing her about why she came unscheduled to his office in the first place. Persephone returns the suit jacket that she had borrowed from him on Monday outside of the hospital and asks him about the check that he wrote for TGOEM and has it changed to be made out directly to Hestia instead. Hades maintains an extremely playful and flirtatious demeanor with her while he organizes a new check before introducing Persephone to his new puppy (first rescued in episode 93) who has been in his office the whole time. She fawns over the new puppy and suggests naming her Pomelia, versus Hades’ original idea of Meli. 


While Persephone is still in Hades’ office, we learn that Persephone doesn’t have a bank account and asked to be paid in gold or jewels instead, stating that her mother told her that banks were run “by greedy charlatans”. However, Hades tells her that he owns the bank and insists that she gets an account. In the second half of the chapter, we see Hades taking Persephone to a bank to set up her own account. While Hades is away talking to a manager, Persephone gets a phone call from Eros wishing her a happy birthday. While on the phone, Eros asks her if she’s happy about the breakup, thus breaking the news of Hades and Minthe’s breakup altogether. Eros suddenly hangs up after being pestered by his parents and the chapter ends with Persephone looking distraught at the news of the breakup.



  • Meli is Greek for honey (μέλῐ)

  • The episode, “Special Treatment” is very aptly named because this episode brings up their new boundaries three different times, specifically the “no special treatment” and “no being alone together” rules. Firstly, he allows her into his office without an appointment, which he is still otherwise happy to do. Secondly, he suggests giving her a present, despite not giving his other interns presents. And thirdly, they are together at the bank, although they both agree that banks aren’t romantic and thus the rule is dismissed.



Episode 108: Break Ups and Birthdays


Episode 106: Business as Usual