Editor: Bre Boswell
Released: 9 July 2022
Morpheus introduces herself as the Goddess of Dreams and daughter of Hypnos, God of Sleep, who she is trying to find. She explains she’s been alone and disconnected from him specifically for quite some time. She can’t even access dreams and nightmares like her normal duties require because someone was blocking her. The only other person awake in the Underworld is Kronos, using sleeping bodies as avatars for himself as he seeks to escape Tartarus.
“It’s only a matter of time until he gets out.”
Morpheus regarding Kronos

Since Hades is the keeper of Kronos, Morpheus and Zeus discuss where he is and how he can reinforce the imprisonment. Meanwhile, Persephone grows distracted by a glowing soda machine. A pink soda falls out and she follows it, wondering what she’s doing. Just when the two find her, worried she’s lost, a large figure looming behind her, snatches her. She falls a long way down and hits her head, causing a gash.
Hades stands in front of a desk and says he’s sorry but he had to get her away from “the idiots.”
Morpheus, the Goddess of Dreams, introduces herself while another mysterious figure lurks in the background.
On their way to Tower 1, Persephone and Zeus have a heart to heart about relationships, while a strange new character follows closely behind.
Slinging bolts and history, Zeus and Persephone move deeper into the Underworld in the team up none of us expected.
Athena has some truth bombs for her father and Persephone finds herself in a very dangerous situation.
Concerned that all is not well in the Underworld, Persephone defies Zeus and starts her descent home.
Artemis has been struggling with what has been hidden from her for so long. She makes an unexpected request from Zeus.
Immediately following the verdict, Persephone abruptly begins her sentence in the Mortal Realm. Luckily, she's not alone.

Cara is a creative writer. Her written works have been featured and published in numerous platforms, including Thought Catalog, Eternal Remedy, and Vagabomb.
The Dread Queen has arrived, and Kronos is not prepared.