Our episode recaps cover what we’ve learned from each episode, including easter eggs, fun trivia, and other insights we may have.
These posts are a collaboration with different contributors. To know more about the team behind PomegraNet, click here.
Episode 204: Persephone’s Ladder
Persephone travels into the dream world and makes a startling discovery.
Episode 203: Hedge Maze
All is not what it seems as Persephone has an unexpected run-in with...Hades?
Episode 202: Between Life and Death
Morpheus, the Goddess of Dreams, introduces herself while another mysterious figure lurks in the background.
Episode 201: Walk With Me
On their way to Tower 1, Persephone and Zeus have a heart to heart about relationships, while a strange new character follows closely behind.
Episode 200: You Should Sit Down
Slinging bolts and history, Zeus and Persephone move deeper into the Underworld in the team up none of us expected.
Episode 199: Vulnerable Pieces
Athena has some truth bombs for her father and Persephone finds herself in a very dangerous situation.
Episode 198: Persephone Reads
Persephone reenters the Underworld and makes a few discoveries.
Episode 195: Homeward-Bound
Concerned that all is not well in the Underworld, Persephone defies Zeus and starts her descent home.
Episode 194: State of Things
It's been a decade and Persephone is DONE with Zeus' judgment.
Episode 193: For Artemis
Artemis has been struggling with what has been hidden from her for so long. She makes an unexpected request from Zeus.
Episode 192: The Fall
Immediately following the verdict, Persephone abruptly begins her sentence in the Mortal Realm. Luckily, she's not alone.
Episode 191: Consequences
We learn some of what happened in the aftermath of the verdict, and realize that the story’s present tense is quite a bit of time in the future!
Episode 190: Vandals and Verdicts (Part 3) | Mid Season Finale
The verdict is in, and more chaos and heartbreak ensues.
Episode 182: I Saw What I Saw (Copy)
Two-day recess begins. Demeter and Persephone talk. Hades overhears a conversation between Apollo and Hephaestus.