Hiatus Read Through: Week 6

Photos from Webtoons

Photos from Webtoons

Week 6: Episodes 82-99

Here we are at week 6, where we’re reading EPISODES 82-99! In this set of episodes, we meet Ares for the first time, and Hades and Persephone set boundaries…but not before Persephone gets, um, shall we say, twitterpated seeing Hades in his celestial god-form. Eyeballs get reinserted, Hades gets a new dog, Apollo makes the world’s worst crepes, Persephone takes strength from a memory of her mother standing up to Zeus (who somehow gets even more despicable in these episodes), and Persephone tells Apollo exactly what she thinks of him.

Content warning: Episodes 95-99 deal with themes of trauma and abuse, as they do contain intense scenes with Apollo. You can visit our Resources page for information on different ways to get help, and please do not hesitate to REACH OUT TO SOMEONE WHO IS CLOSE TO YOU, YOUR PHYSICIAN, OR A MENTAL HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

  • 82: Say My Name

  • 83: Prosperina is late

  • 84: Pancakes

  • 85: Between the Lines

  • 86: A Fine Line

  • 87-90 : It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Loses An Eye (Parts 1-4)

  • 91: Slideshow

  • 92: Frontlawn

  • 93: Semele

  • 94: Little Brother

  • 95: Audacity 

  • 96: Mama

  • 97: We Are Nothing

  • 98: Not Your Olympian

  • 99: Cupid’s Arrow

Discussion Questions

  • Considering the context of why TGOEM was created, do you blame Demeter for pushing her daughter to join, or is there a better way Demeter could have handled her fears of Zeus marrying off her daughter?

  • Persephone is hearing from more sources that she is a fertility goddess. Do you think there is a stigma around being a fertility goddess? Why do you think Demeter would hide this information from her?

  • Do you think it’s fair to say that Hades is having an emotional affair with Persephone, considering the toxic nature of his relationship with Minthe and her physical assault of him?

  • Do you think it was okay that Artemis left Persephone and Apollo alone together at the breakfast table, considering they had just had a conversation about Persephone’s discomfort around Apollo?


  • Persephone seems to have gotten turned on upon seeing Hades in his god-form, and she causes flower petals to rain down on Olympus. (Episode 90)

  • Persephone’s goddess-form includes leaves growing on her body, and tree branch wings. It can also be inferred that her hormones cause her to grow leaves, as she mentions it feels like she’s going through second puberty while she’s trying to put her dress back on over her leafy body. (Episode 90)

  • Athena is Zeus’ daughter, Hades is her uncle (Episode 91)

  • Persephone’s childhood nickname was “Kore-cob” (Episode 91)

  • Zeus turns into a swan to try to convince Ares not to hit him. In original Greek mythology, Zeus turned into various animals in order to trick people or get out of situations. (Episode 92)

  • Ares is Eros’ father. (Episode 92)

  • When in the Mortal Realm, the gods have to disguise themselves by changing to a human skin tone. (Episode 93)

  • Semele is a mortal and the mother of Dionysus in Greek mythology. (Episode 93)

  • Zeus gives Semele a peacock pin that he claims he made for her (but we’re told that he didn’t). The peacock pin is most likely Hera’s, as the peacock is her symbol. (Episode 93)

  • Even though he is disguised, Semele knows that it is Zeus/the King of the Gods. (Episode 93)

  • Zeus thinks it’s hot that Semele is unhinged. (Episode 93)

  • Poseidon sleeps in the pool. (Episode 94)

  • The dog Hades adopts (later named Meli and then renamed Pomelia by Persephone) is a girl. (Episode 94)

  • Author Rachel Smythe held a poll on her Patreon for fans to name Hades’ new dog, and the name “Pomelia” won. 

  • Demeter has four long scars across her back. (Episode 96)

  • Persephone uses “Tartarus” in place of the word “hell.” (Episode 97)

Easter Eggs and Things You May Have Missed

  • When Poseidon is searching Hades’ cupboards for pancake mix, there is a Barely Mother box (could be cereal, possibly flour) among his ingredients. (Episode 84)

  • When Hades is walking away with baby Cerberus to head to the Underworld, the rest of the Six Traitors are watching him, except Demeter, who has her back turned. (Episode 89)

  • Persephone’s top has two holes in it from where her tree branch wings bursted out. (Episode 90)

  • The slide for the TGOEM presentation looks like the logo for the TV show, Friends. (Episode 91)

  • The shadow of Ares looming over Zeus has an angry face. (Episode 92)

  • As Hades walks outside after seeing Zeus run off with Semele, the clouds in the sky directly to the right of the moon, look like a man and a woman kissing. (Episode 93)

  • When Zeus is sleeping over at Hades’ house, the model in the advertisement on the television for Pomegranate Zero is Daphne. (Episode 94)

Important Points and Episode References

  • Zeus has the ability to marry people off, and TGOEM is a way to prevent that. (Episode 89)

  • Persephone is attracted to Hades when seeing his god-form. In a previous episode, Minthe told Hades the fact that he looks like Kronos is what makes him undesirable and why he is lucky that Minthe wants to be even be with him. (Episode 90)

  • Persephone says that her and Hades have almost kissed three times. Those almost kisses are: in the car when Hades drops her off in Olympus after she woke up in his house, when Persephone first flies, and when they are in the garden together. (Episode 90)

  • Hades runs back to talk to Persephone after the hospital, but we don’t know what he was going to say, as he walks in on a TGOEM meeting. (Episode 90)

  • Artemis’ body is burning with Hades in her house. She tells Hestia that looking at Hades makes her “pure Olympian body burn.” It is unclear why this is, and why no one else is affected by Hades in this way. (Episode 91)

  • Artemis keyed “Zeus is a fuck boy” into the side of his car. (Episode 91)

  • Zeus sent Ares away to the Mortal Realm for months for what Ares says was a “ridiculous war campaign.” It’s unclear why Zeus did this. (Episode 92)

  • Ares tells Zeus that Zeus never gets called out and that it is “bullshit.” Hera said something similar to Zeus in episode 29, yelling at Zeus that, “You get to do whatever you want and it’s so unfair.”(Episode 92)

  • Poseidon says that Semele is Zeus’ “current” mortal girlfriend, implying that he has had many. (Episode 93)

  • Semele says that she loves parties and wants to set the loom on fire because she hates it. Her future son with Zeus, Dionysus, is the God of Wine and Ecstasy (among other things), and had the power to make mortals insane. It appears that he inherited some of those qualities from his mother. (Episode 94)

  • Hades promised his therapist that he wouldn’t get any more dogs. This is one of several instances where Hades references his therapy. (Episode 94)

  • Daphne commented, “Lucky!”  on the photo Apollo posted to Facebook of him and Persephone. Daphne later goes on several dates with Apollo, and we learn that her and Persephone know each other. (Episode 94)

  • Persephone slept on the floor, one of several instances where we see she does not sleep in her bed following the assault. (Episode 95)

  • Thanatos asked Hermes to cover a few shifts for him. We later learn that Thanatos was sneaking around at that time, trying to get dirt on Persephone, and had even broken into her house on Friday night (the night when Persephone stole Apollo’s lyre). (Episode 95)

  • Zeus has apparently gotten several nymphs pregnant, and he takes them to Demeter to hide for him. (Episode 95)

  • When Persephone decides she is going to show Apollo what she did to his lyre, the music staff that wraps around her is pink. Heretofore, it was black. (Episode 97)

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