Episode 84: Pancakes

Editor: Annie LaHue
Released: 10 November 2019
episode 84
Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Hades receives a text from Zeus informing him that there will be a brunch. Whilst in typing his reply telling Zeus that Hades needs some time to work through some personal stuff, there is a knock at the door.  Hades sees its Zeus and cautiously opens the door only to slam it shut. Zeus then materializes inside of Hades’ house and immediately starts complaining about Hera and Ares.

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Photo from Webtoons


Poseidon is seen rummaging through an irate Hades’ cupboards looking for pancake mix. Zeus asks Hades how his night went with Persephone, to which Hades complains about Zeus’ actions but states that it was good. Zeus jokes about turning Hades into ‘Forbidden Fruit’ which Hades does not find funny, but admits that there may have been an emotional connection between himself and Persephone. 

“Are you sure you’re not having an emotional affair? That can be equally, if not more damaging than an affair based on intimacy.”


Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Zeus complains that he served Persephone on a silver platter, and Hades responds that he is still in a relationship with Minthe. He is cut off by Poseidon who queries whether he is having an emotional affair, which can be worse than a physical affair. Visibly shaken by this, Hades asks how much flirting would be considered an emotional affair, expressing that he doesn’t think Persephone would like that.  Panicked, Hades says that he is still processing things with Minthe to which Zeus tells him not to make a big deal out of. Zeus gives Hades permission to take Persephone as his bride, citing that it may be old-fashioned and that she might be upset in the beginning but she would get used to it. Hades stumbles at the suggestion because it is forbidden to take a member of TGOEM as a wife.

Zeus explains that she is only a candidate and isn’t fully inducted yet. Hades thinks this over and relays that he would want her to love him and wouldn’t want to take her against her will. Zeus acquiesces the sentiment, but asks what is the point of her love if she’s going to be an eternal maiden anyway.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

The next day Persephone sits nervously in the University library for her study group. She waits for an hour and a half but no one shows up. Obviously upset by this, she heads to class and en route she sees her classmate, Tori. She shouts at him and startles him, but he continues to walk ahead. Persephone runs after him, grabs his shoulder, and asks why he never came to the study group. Tori pulls away and shouts at the goddess to not touch him. He then continues to explain that she had her boyfriend rip out his roommate, Alex’s eye, and left him severely beaten laying the blame wholly on a very shaken Persephone.  




Episode 85: Between the Lines


Episode 83: Proserpina is Late