Minor Characters


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Daphne is a flower nymph and old friend of Persephone. She becomes a Nymphstagram influencer and spokesmodel for POMEGRANATE ZERO. After realizing she deserves better than Apollo, Daphne has been recently hanging out with Thanatos. Daphne is close friends with Persephone, who is also from the Mortal Realm.


In Mythology, Daphne was a naiad-nymph, not a flower nymph. She called to Gaia for help when she was pursued by Apollo, who then turned her into a laurel tree. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, she called to her father, Peneus for help.

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Echo appeared in Episode 124 and introduces herself as the new assistant Zeus hired for his wife. At first, Hera is wary about this new addition to her office and blatantly tells her no one makes her tea because no one can properly make it. Echo displays her worth by interfering Apollo and reinforcing Hera’s status as Queen. She also seemed to impress Hera by managing to perfectly make her cup of tea.

Echo is currently Hera’s assistant. She managed to track down the owner of the Underworld Lodge Persephone stayed at, who was selling her things on OMEGABID.


In Mythology, Echo is one of many beings who had an affair with Zeus. She is cursed by Hera upon discovering her husband’s infidelity.

Echo is also involved in some retellings of Narcissus myths.


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Semele is a beautiful mortal princess of Thebes. Zeus tries to visit her when he can, and she expresses delight about the King of Gods being at her party. Zeus implores her to keep their liaisons secret.


Semele is vaporized upon demanding Zeus to show her his true form. She is the mother of Dionysus.

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Cadmus is first seen chasing after Zeus in his mortal form. He is the King of Thebes and the father of Semele.

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Odysseus was a guest at the Panathenea. Poseidon yelling at him caused him to bump into the goddess of spring, who then caught Hades’ eye.

Odysseus’ brief appearance bears no significance to the timeline. Rachel mentioned that she simply needed someone to bump into Persephone during the Panathenea.


Psyche’s Sisters

Metis is a mother figure to Hera, Demeter, and Hestia. She appears in Episode 78, where she asks a young Hera to take care of a wounded Hades, who was just released from Kronos. In Mythology, Metis was Zeus’ counsel during the Titanomachy. In Lore Olympus, Demeter reveals that Zeus consumed Metis in order to defeat Kronos.


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