Episode 20: Treat

Editor: Bekah Caden
Released: 8 July 2018

In a flashback, Hera finds a young Kore at a party, hiding in the kitchen. Kore is shy and tells Hera she’s beautiful. Flattered, Hera gives Kore her crown and invites the little girl to stay by her side all night so she can enjoy the party. Kore takes Hera’s hand and smiles. 

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Back at the strip club, Hera reprimands the three kings for their behavior and the disrespectful way they’re talking about Persephone. She expresses disappointment in Hades in particular, for taking advantage of someone so young and impressionable.

episode 20

“Hades lets some trollop walk all over him for years. And now he gets a treat for being a fool?”



Before she can explain further, Zeus interrupts and insists that Hades “deserves something nice.” Hera is offended by this comment and reminds him that Persephone is a woman, not a trophy or someone for Hades to “practice on.” To prove her point that Hades is not entitled to Persephone, Hera pulls out her phone and shows him a Fatesbook photo of Persephone with Apollo, where she looks uncomfortable. Apollo tagged the photo with the comment “Get to hang out with this cutie today! 😋😋😋 #Blessed”

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Hades becomes upset by the photo, although he tries to hide it. His eyes turn red and the glass on the mermaid tank behind him begins to crack. He claims he never thought he was entitled to Persephone, but that he’s faced enough humiliation for one sitting. He leaves.



Episode 21: Thanks but Nah


Episode 19: A Fifth of Gin