Episode 18: Forest from the Trees

Editor: Bekah Caden
Released: 24 June 2018
Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

After dropping Persephone off at her and Artemis’ house, Hades checks his voicemail while driving through Olympus. He has four messages from Minthe, who is angry at him for ignoring her after she stood him up the night before.

Hades is on his way to brunch with his brothers, and he checks his voicemail as he drives. He has four messages from an angry Minthe. Hades imagines Persephone as he deletes each voicemail. He pulls out her business card but realizes it doesn’t have her contact information and doubts if Persephone would even want him to have her number. Just then, he receives a text from an unknown number. Not realizing it’s from Persephone, he ignores it.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons


Wait - wait - wait! Is talking the name of a sex position we havent heard of yet?


Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Hades meets his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, for brunch at a strip club, but the hostess refuses to seat them, claiming all three of them are banned for life: Zeus for sexually harassing the employees, Hades for poaching one of the dancers by offering her a job at his office, and Poseidon for destroying a mermaid tank. Hades offers to reimburse the club for the broken tank. Initially the hostess insists he pay cash, but he gives her an angry glare, and she agrees to accept a check.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Once the brothers are seated, Zeus asks Hades about Persephone. He reveals that Eros told him about putting her in his car. Hades plays it casual, but Zeus and Poseidon press for more details. When Hades refuses, Poseidon claims that he’s in the market for a second wife, causing Hades to lash out. He grabs Poseidon and demands that he stay away from Persephone. Satisfied at his older brother’s outburst, Poseidon asks if Hades is ready to stop holding out on the details.


  • Zeus calls Poseidon, “Fish sticks”

  • The receptionist working at the club is a Sphinx. In mythology, the sphinx is a winged creature that could have a head of a woman or a cat, a body of a lion, and the wings of a falcon.

  • Persephone’s business card didn’t have a phone number because she has never owned a phone prior to living in Olympus.

  • The chapter title is “Forest from the Trees”, possibly derived from the expression, “can’t see the forest from the trees.” It is an expression that is used to describe someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole.



Episode 19: A Fifth of Gin


Episode 17: Get In