Episode 02: Who is She?

Editor: Bekah Caden
Released: 4 March 2018
Characters: Artemis, Persephone, Hades, Zeus, Poseidon
Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Persephone and Artemis arrive at the party, Persephone now wearing a much more modern and white dress that clings to her figure and cuts halfway through her thigh. She is nervous about being at such a huge event and feels out of place. Artemis assures her that she will be fine. Persephone agrees to go in once Artemis promises they can leave after one drink.

“I feel out of my depth. Everyone’s going to think I’m some stupid village girl.”


Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Poseidon is surprised by this since Hades is known to drink heavily with them and asks what is wrong. Much to Hades’ consternation, Zeus spills that he’s upset because Minthe dumped him.

Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon stand on the second floor, watching the party through a glass window.

Hades asks if he can go after one drink, but Zeus is appalled by this idea, as the party has just begun.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons


As Zeus continues to tease Hades, Poseidon notices Odysseus (a mortal who clashed with Poseidon in original mythology) in the crowd. Poseidon shouts at Odysseus to keep moving. This startles Odysseus, and he bumps into Persephone, causing her to drop her drink.

Hades sees this and asks who Persephone is, as he is stunned by her beauty.



Episode 03: Who is She? (Part 2)


Episode 01: Stag, You're It