Episode 60: That Nymph Over There

Editor: Annie LaHue
Released: 26 May 2019
Photo. from Webtoons

Photo. from Webtoons

She contemplates on telling Hades the truth, and thinks Minthe would get in trouble, perhaps even fired. Maybe they would break up. But she knows she doesn’t like feeling that way at all.

So instead, she lies, and says that the place is big that she just got all turned around. Hades knows she’s lying, so Persephone says she’d rather leave it for another day. Hades leaves it and respects her wishes. He cheekily says that she’s lucky he’s not cashing out his “any time any place, personal question.” Persephone is grateful.

Persephone reflects on Minthe and how she feels about her and her relationship with Hades. Minthe’s name carries a weight in her chest and it’s more than jealousy, as she’s been jealous before with Artemis, but this feeling is different. She admits that there’s venom behind it. She wonders how long Minthe and Hades have known each other, how they met, if they go on dates, and if she has a comb identical to the one Hades gave her. Persephone wants to know the answer, but she knows it would sting.


“I’ve been jealous before. But not like this. There is venom behind it.”


episode 60
episode 60

Thanatos and Minthe are inside the supply closet. He leans in to kiss her but Minthe stops him, which surprises Thanatos. He asks her what’s wrong.

Minthe tells him that they can no longer hook up at work. She shows him her Fatesbook post, confirming that he and Hades are now in a proper relationship. Thanatos is skeptical, but Minthe tells him she’s trying to make better life choices, which includes randomly making out with him. Then she says they can still do “snarkie chat”, which is an ongoing Fatesbook conversation between the two of them and Thetis, where they make mean comments about other beings, such as Megaera.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

She kisses him on the cheek and thanks him for being understanding. Thanatos contemplates on whether or not he should tell her what he saw, but hesitates against it as Minthe seems happy. If he tells her, Minthe would probably assume he’s simply jealous. He decides to talk about Persephone, and Minthe screams in frustration. She says she’s surprised Thanatos isn’t 10 feet up her ass like everyone else, as she ties her hair into a ponytail. Thanatos replies that Persephone is just another poser from Olympus who thinks she’s better than the rest of them.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Minthe comments that the special treatment Persephone is getting is ridiculous and Thanatos agrees, that even Hecate is wrapped in her finger. He tells Minthe that he has to wear the punishment shirt for a week. They both agreed that there is something fishy about Persephone and so Minthe tells Thanatos to take note of anything he would find useful. Thanatos agrees to do some digging.

Thanatos leans in for a kiss again and Minthe evades it and walks away. Thanatos asks her where she’s going and Minthe replies with, “to stomp on a pest.”



Episode 61: Itty


Episode 59: Whiplash