Episode 28: Awkward Silence

Editor: Bekah Caden
Released: 2 September 2018

Persephone asks Hades why he has never married, adding that Zeus and Poseidon both got married such a long time ago. Hades is surprised by her question, and then slowly leans back in his chair with a dreamy expression on his face. He chastises her for her lack of personal boundaries.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

“Don’t go telling everyone about this. I’ve got a reputation to maintain.”


Hades explains that in the beginning, there were not many romantic prospects to choose from. The only women he knew were Hera, Hestia, and Demeter. Zeus liked Hera, Hestia took a vow of celibacy, and Demeter argued with him about everything. Persephone is horrified that he’s talking about her mother as a potential partner. 

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

He explains that after the war he was assigned to run the Underworld, which involved a lot of long hours and seven-day weeks. A montage is shown of Hades working in the clothing over various time periods to illustrate the passage of time. He grew busy and stopped trying.

Persephone asks about Hecate, because they work together, but Hades scoffs and says that sounds like something a teenager would say. Flustered, Persephone asks if Hades is seeing anyone right now. He briefly thinks about Minthe, but replies that he’s not. He asks her the same question. Persephone recalls learning about eternal maidenhood at a young age and responds that she’s not seeing anyone either.

A while later, the sun rises over Olympus. Artemis arrives home and sees Persephone asleep at the table. The blue flowers are still in Persephone’s hair. Artemis notices that the phone is on and grimaces when she sees who Persephone was talking to. Meanwhile in the Underworld, Hades has also fallen asleep at his desk with the phone still on.



Episode 29: Thunder


Episode 27: Deal