PomegraNet | Lore Olympians (Lore Olympus Analysis, Theories, and other Fun Things)

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Episode 113: Tell

Editor: Bre Boswell
Released: 24 May 2020

Content warning: themes of sexual assault, abuse, trauma

The morning comes, and Persephone and Hades are cuddled together in her bed. He’s holding her close and although she could be in trouble if they are discovered, the comfort she finds in his arms makes the risk worth it. Hade wakes up and tries to convince Persephone to sleep in some more, showing that he is also comfortable with her in his arms. But, reality starts to burst their bubble and Hades checks his phone for the time. He needs to get back home so he can feed his dogs. He hesitates, but is able to ask her if she’d like to come with him, he can make her breakfast. He’s afraid she’ll reject his offer but she immediately agrees and he’s stunned to see she is already dressed and ready to go. She’s in a cute white dress and the blue flowers in her hair turned from white to blue.

Hades phases them into his home and while doing so he changes out of his casual clothing and puts on a suit. She’s impressed with his ability and he’s clearly proud of himself and adores the attention. When was the last time he was able to show off and feel good about himself? What follows is a scene of pure domestic bliss with both Hades and Persephone making breakfast together and genuinely enjoying the other’s company. At the end of the meal, they both look reluctant to part ways. Hades is excited that there is a knock on his door after she left, but it’s only Hermes delivering the tape from the Fates.

Persephone finds her way to downtown Olympus, still feeling aglow from her time with Hades. She sees an adorable handkerchief in a story with a dog pattern that looks Cerberus and buys it for Hades. As she leaves the store, she sees Daphne and the two share a warm greeting. They haven’t seen each other in a while and they appear to have a close friendship. 

**At this point in the episode, there is a mark to indicate when a triggering scene begins. Please skip over this next section if reading on topics of abuse and trauma are triggering. Your mental health is important to us.**

At this point in the episode, there is a mark to indicate when a triggering scene begins. Please skip over this next section if reading on topics of abuse and trauma are triggering. Your mental health is important to us.

Their moment of reconnection is ruined when Apollo appears, telling Daphne their table is ready. Persephone is anxious for her friend, and pulls Apollo aside to speak with him. She wants him to leave her friend alone, knowing the type of guy he is. She accuses him of having ulterior motives in dating Daphne, who is a flower nymph. Apollo claims he’s going to make Daphne his Olympian and refuses to leave her alone, believing that Persephone is just jealous. Persephone warns Apollo that if he doesn't leave Daphne alone, she’ll tell her and Artemis what he did. Apollo again tries to gaslight her and asks her why she thinks they’ll believe her?

Persephone is still willing to speak up against him. She’s very brave in this moment and shows incredible strength in accusing her abuser.  Apollo retaliates by sending her a copy of the photos he took from that night. He threatens to make the photos public and everyone will believe she just got cold feet about joining TGOEM. Persephone is devastated.

Artemis returns home from work. There is a note left on the table from Persephone, saying that she’s going to the Mortal Realm to visit her mother. However, there is a knock at the door and Artemis opens it to reveal Demeter is there to visit her daughter.


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Recovering from Sexual Violence | RAINN.org

Recovering from Rape & Mental Trauma | HelpGuide

Surviving and Healing after Rape | VeryWellHealth

There Is No Right Way to Respond to Sexual Assault | TheAtlantic

Life After Rape | GoodTherapy

Healing Process After Rape Never Ends


See this gallery in the original post