Persephone: The Triple Goddess
In this analysis, AmbrosiaBee explains why she believes Persephone’s life resembles the cycle of the “Triple Goddess.”

Hera & Persephone: Visual Parallel Between Two Queens
A Visual Comparison Between Two Queens: Parallels Between Hera and Persephone

Eros: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree
Showing how with Eros, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Hades: Intimacy & Growth
Good relationships are edifying. They build an individual up, not break them down. Sometimes the scariest part of intimacy is vulnerability.
In Episode 133, Hades takes that step with Persephone. It’s his attempt to empathize with her in her own struggle, but is intertwined with his own personal growth.

Analysis: Persephone’s Feeling
Persephone was born to be the Goddess of Spring, but she was also born with a feeling. We consider what this means, and asked the fandom their take.

9 Personality Types
At its core, the Enneagram personality types help us to see ourselves at a deeper, more objective level and can be of invaluable assistance on our path to self-knowledge. Ultimately though, it is a subtle assignment of traits and with fictional characters, there is no right answer. Thus, what follows here is one person’s interpretation.

Character Analysis: Demeter
In Lore Olympus, the character of Demeter is still a bit of a mystery. Our exposure to her, thus far, paints her as a controlling and overbearing mother, unwilling to see her child as the adult that she is.

Falling in Love: Hades & Persephone
Can Hades be truly in love with Persephone after only knowing her for two weeks?