Hades: Intimacy & Growth

By Miss T/MythisaMirror, Scarlet, Sarah

AUTHORS’ NOTE: This is a character analysis and personal opinion of the authors. It is not meant to be prescriptive mental health or relationship advice to readers. Some content may be triggering to survivors of abuse. All images from Webtoons.com

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“No one can know their own beauty or perceive a sense of their own worth until it has been reflected back to them in the mirror of another loving, caring being.”

- John Joseph Powell

In Episode 133 (“Wealth”), Hades offers empathy for Persephone’s situation through revealing his own vulnerability. As opposed to sympathy, sharing empathy with another is when a person understands the hurt of another on a personal level rather than only feeling sorry for it.

It also mirrors Persephone's assertion in Episode 80 that he is “just like me / the same as me.”

Hades identifying his similarities to someone he cares for seems to provide positive reinforcement as he grows. His childhood trauma and isolation combined with Minthe’s emotional (not to mention physical) abuse affected him deeply. Even thousands of years later, his mind - in the form of nightmares - turns Kronos’ voice against him. Minthe only reinforced this negative self talk.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Comparing these voices to Persephone’s caring words and connection, we see Hades slowly learning the lie in the abuse he survived.

In Episode 80, when Persephone says “Just like me / The same as me,” she speaks his mother tongue, the language of his childhood. Unconditional love and care is likely something he hasn’t really experienced since being with his mother as a young child.

Hades receives her gift of the pomelia flower and repeats back to her, “Just like you / The same as you.” In doing so, he accepts the truth of what she’s said. It’s a small moment that strengthens their connection and shows him stepping forward, away from the abusive language and self doubt he’s become so comfortable with.

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People are worthy of love even when they are struggling. Sometimes intimacy, friendship or romantic, can help the healing process. While relying too heavily on another can become a crutch, growing from intimacy with another does not mean relying on a partner or friend to fix your problems. Avoiding that takes self-awareness. Intimacy can be a safe space to grow from, strengthening and allowing a person to tackle issues head on. While solitude is needed (even prescribed) for some, it’s not a one-size-fits-all for personal growth.

Do they both still need therapy? Heck, everyone in Olympus and the Underworld probably does. Okay, maybe not Hecate. But Hades has been seeing a therapist for some time and Persephone promised Eros she would see one. Often professional help is needed in cycles of life experiences or for chronic mental health needs. Remember the letter Hades wrote in the beginning then red-lined and edited after spending more time with her?

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

He is changing on his own but not in isolation. He came to the conclusion that “I love the way you treat me, and I want to feel that way all the time.” Shortly after, he breaks up with Minthe, defending his decision even amidst her manipulative language, asserting, “I want to feel loved and safe every day.” 

We see personal growth in both Persephone and Hades through their connection, moreso perhaps in Hades. And while they both have major issues they are working through, they seem to only be helping each other in that process. 

Good relationships are edifying. They build an individual up not break them down. Sometimes the scariest part of intimacy is vulnerability.

In Episode 133, Hades takes that step with Persephone, saying “When you’re in it, it feels like it’s going to last forever. But it doesn’t, and it will get better.” It’s his attempt to empathize with her in her own struggle, but is intertwined with his own personal growth.

As the poet John Donne said, “No man is an island.” The human (perhaps even godly) experience is defined by who and how we engage within society.

Recovery can be too.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons



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