Falling in Love: Hades & Persephone

By Cara

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons


this essay is the writer’s personal opinion

There have been interesting discussions on whether or not Hades has truly fallen in love with Persephone after only knowing her for barely two weeks.

Personally, I believe that when you meet a person, sometimes... you just know. No hesitations, no questions asked. You don’t feel an instant connection with everyone you meet in your life, so when it happens to you, and it happens so very rarely, it changes a lot of things. 

Falling in love doesn’t happen as a conscious decision you make after getting to know someone fully. You can know enough of a person in a day, in a week, or a year and fall in love. And it’s still very real and very true.

And it could happen all at once. There will never be an exact moment wherein you can pinpoint when you fell in love, only a time when you just know that there is no moment that you weren’t after it. You’ll back at your days with this person and think, you were already in love all this time. Maybe it happened here, it happened there. There will just be that moment of clarity at one moment, like when he picks you up at work or when you both watch Stranger Things late into the night and decide this is the person you want to have all your marathons with.

I think that in the story, with Persephone and Hades, it was evident that there was an instant connection between the two of them. And perhaps it was out of loneliness. Perhaps it’s because Hades had never experienced a healthy relationship, or that Persephone felt like Hades was the first being to respect her fully. Both could be true, but it doesn’t invalidate the connection they had with each other. Persephone. said it best: she didn’t realize she was going to connect with someone so easily and so fast. And Hades for sure, felt the same way.

We know they both already have strong feelings towards each other but are unable to fully deal with it at the moment. but I wouldn't say that Hades couldn't possibly have fallen for Persephone that fast when he doesn't know her. I think he underestimates himself a lot about knowing her, when he knows her and understands. her more than everyone else. Even Hades has acknowledged that sometimes, he feels that Persephone knows him better than he knows himself.

I believe that in the story, falling in love isn’t the obstacle in their relationship. It’s making the relationship work in a realm where they both have duties that they’re tied to.

Currently, both Hades and Persephone still have their own personal issues to face. And they’ll both face problems as a couple together too. But it’s comforting to know that after dealing with a lot of issues on your own for so long, you’ll have someone there with you who supports you and has your back.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons


Hades and Persephone can grow, learn together, heal together. They have the rest of eternity to know everything about each other. It’s not unhealthy fall in love with someone too fast, it’s not unhealthy to need someone because you love them. It’s unhealthy if you love someone because you need them.

And in Hades’ letter, I think he knows the difference, even if he doesn’t fully say it outright.



Cara is a creative writer. Her written works have been featured and published in numerous platforms, including Thought Catalog, Eternal Remedy, and Vagabomb.


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