Season 2 Premiere. Episode 116: In Plain Sight

Editor: Bre Boswell
Released: 2 August 2020

Season 2 of Lore Olympus opens with the winged Persephone, seemingly in the aftermath of the act of wrath. Her eyes are closed as pink tears drip down her face and from her hands. She opens her eyes in shock and disbelief, before looking back in fear.

Zeus is in his office with Minthe, Thetis, and Thanatos, having just heard the conclusion to their story of Persephone’s act of wrath. Annoyed, he realizes that if what they are saying is true, then all of it happened right under his nose. He dismisses them, but Thetis stays behind to ask if Zeus will talk to Hades about this. Agitated, Zeus wants to know why he would do that, and Thetis, taken aback, brushes it off and says good night. 

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

“Am I that out of the loop?”


Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Back in Olympus, Demeter has just arrived at Artemis’ door to meet with her daughter. She is in Olympus for business meetings, and plans to be around for a few days. Artemis crumples the note in which Persephone said she had left with her mother for the Mortal Realm, and uses the cover up that Persephone is at a study group. Demeter comes inside and quips that it’s just like Persephone to run off somewhere when she comes around. 

Apollo walks in with groceries, and is surprised and nervous to find Demeter there. Demeter scolds Artemis, saying having men coming and going in the house was not what they agreed upon. Demeter beckons to Apollo kindly, but then tells him to “Stay the fuck away from my daughter.” She then leaves, saying she will be back tomorrow. 

At Eros’ house, Eros is delicately asking his parents (Aphrodite and Ares, who are dressed up and engaging in pony play) to have a little more decorum, as Artemis sneaks in through the window. She falls in, shouting in panic that she is there to rescue Persephone from the house of debauchery.

In the Underworld, Hades has watched the Fates’ tape over and over, trying to figure out why Persephone would want to bring mortals back from the Underworld, and wonders why her phone is not in service. He has a moment of self-doubt, thinking perhaps Persephone is having second thoughts about him, but realizes that she wouldn’t cut him out like that, and that something not right is going on. Then, from behind him, there is a loud crash.



Episode 117: The Search


Season 1 Finale. Episode 115: The Bringer of Death