Hiatus Read Through: Week 7

Photos from Webtoons

Photos from Webtoons

Week 7: Episodes 100-115

This is it folks! We have entered the 7th (and FINAL) week of the season 1 Lore Olympus hiatus read through. Season 2 begins Saturday, August 1st at 9PM EST, and here at PomegraNet we are excited! We hope you have enjoyed taking a deep dive into season 1 with us—whether it was the workbooks, discussion questions and trivia, podcast, wallpapers, or quizzes—and that you feel adequately prepared to freak out with us when season 2 premieres!

So! Week 7! Week 7 has a LOT. We get a flashback to how Ares and Persephone met (and hooked up)! Hades breaks up with Minthe! Hades and Persephone finally KISS! Persephone summons Hades by hitting the ground twice! WE GOT TO WATCH THE FATES TAPE. And, of course, we learn just how Persephone went from Kore to Bringer of Death.

Discussion Questions

  • What do you think Hades’ choice to let Minthe keep the apartment and put her on a type of probation for her job says about him as a person and as a king?

  • Was Ares pretense of illiteracy truly wrong in order to spend time with Persephone for an hour each day?

  • Do you think Persephone’s act of wrath happened exactly the way Minthe, Thetis, and Thanatos said it did? 

  • We’ve been anticipating Persephone hitting the ground twice to summon Hades since he first offered to do so all the way back in episode 58. Did it live up to your expectations? 

  • We’ve been waiting quite a while for the Fates tape. What are your thoughts? Did it live up to your expectations? 


  • Pierced ears seem to symbolize Persephone’s independence and autonomy as an adult.

  • Ares first mistakes Persephone for a flower nymph. When she clarifies that she’s actually not a nymph, Ares says he didn’t mean to cause offense. This is another indication that nymphs are seen as lower class in Olympus. (Episode 100)

  • Ares recognizes that Persephone is a fertility goddess because she healed him. (Episode 101)

  • A fertility goddess hasn’t been born in years. (Episode 101)

  • When Hades imagines Persephone as queen, regretting marrying him, she’s wearing a very Hera-like outfit, suggesting that he associates regret at marrying a king with Hera. (Episode 102)

  • Hades is infertile. (Episode 102)

  • The club Thetis and Minthe go to is called Oceanidsss. It’s unclear whether this is in the Underworld or the Ocean, but Amphitrite (Poseidon’s wife) is there. That coupled with the club name indicates that it’s located in the Ocean. (Episode 103)

  • When the nymphs become emotional, it appears they begin to resemble their base element. Thetis begins to shed water, whilst Minthe begins to resemble sludge. (Episode 107)

  • Thetis calls Minthe a “mud sucking low class river nymph” which suggests that within the nymph hierarchy, river nymphs are considered lower than ocean nymphs like herself. (Episode 107)

  • Employees of Underworld Corp get employee benefits which include free access to the gym suite. (Episode 106)

  • Hades runs all the banks. (Episode 107)

  • Persephone’s birthday is the first day of spring. (Episode 107)

  • Apollo refers to Thanatos as a Chthonic god. The Chthonic gods are what the gods of the Underworld are called. (Episode 109)

  • Thanatos is the son of the Titan Nyx. (Episode 109)

  • Shades must pay the ferryman, Charon, one obol in order to be permitted a boat ride across the river into the Underworld. In ancient Greece, “Charon’s obol” was part of a burial ritual, in which a coin was placed on or in the mouth of the recently deceased, so that they could pay the ferryman. (Episode 110)

  • Zeus's face appears on the Olympian currency. (Episode 112)

  • Episode 114 is one of three episodes of Lore Olympus that have accompanying music.

Easter Eggs and Things You May Have Missed

  • In the title panel for episode 100, Ares can be seen falling from the sky. (Episode 100)

  • Hades’ dream baby is wearing a bib with Cerberus on it. (Episode 102)

  • When Hades refers to the Olympus rumor mill, we see that Apollo is the one spreading rumors at a party, and laughing at Hades. (Episode 102)

  • In the panel where Demeter is talking to Helios, her clothes are burning because of the heat. (Episode 109)

  • The argument between Hades and Persephone takes place on the side of the building, after Hades climbs out for a cigarette. (Episode 110)

  • When Hades and Persephone kiss, the butterflies in Persephone's hair spell out LOVE. (Episode 110)

  • A group of butterflies is called a “kaleidoscope.” (Episode 110) 

  • Hermes is wearing a Barley Mother t-shirt. (Episode 113)

Important Points and Episode References

  • Ares calls Persephone a “stupid village girl,” which is an insecurity of hers, and something she has called herself multiple times throughout the series. (Episode 100)

  • Persephone lost her alone time privileges after the Ares incident, which is why she was not allowed to go by herself in the woods in a previous episode. (Episode 102)

  • In Hades’ dream, Persephone calls him Aidoneus, his childhood name. In a past episode, Aphrodite called him Aidoneus, and he angrily told her not to call him that, indicating that he doesn’t like it. Hades dreaming that Persephone calls him Aidoneus suggests the name is special to him, and not just anyone can use it. (Episode 102)

  • Hades pulls out the letter he wrote to Persephone in episode 47, crossing out where he said he doesn’t think he could be in love with her, yet the concept of being unable to feel the way he feels when she pays attention to him is devastating. He replaces it with, “I love the way you treat me and I want to feel that way all the time.” (Episode 102)

  • Hecate personally escorts Minthe home after she assaulted Hades. (Episode 103)

  • Thetis tells Minthe it’s too bad she can’t fake a pregnancy, suggesting that both Thetis and Minthe know that Hades is infertile. (Episode 103)

  • Minthe tells Thetis that Hades was right, and that Thetis isn’t her friend. Hades telling Minthe that Thetis is a bad friend is what prompted Minthe to hit Hades in episode 76. (Episode 103)

  • Thanatos is wearing the punishment shirt when he brings Minthe food and leaves it outside her apartment. In an earlier episode, Hecate punishes Thanatos by making him wear that shirt for a week. (Episode 104)

  • Hades refuses the cigarette Minthe offers him, saying he is trying to cut back. In the episode where Hades and Persephone kiss, he conjures a cigarette out of thin air, in anger, but tosses it away, unsmoked. (Episode 104)

  • Hades denies being in love with Persephone, saying it’s too early to tell. Yet his childhood self yells at him that he does in fact love her, more than anything. And in episode 102, Hades had crossed out the part of the letter where he says he doesn’t think he could be in love with Persephone. (Episode 105)

  • Thanatos is breaking into Persephone’s room the same night that Hades drops Persephone off after dinner at Hera’s. (Episode 105)

  • Thanatos thinks that Persephone is dating Apollo. (Episode 105)

  • Hades says “Ask a bullshit question, get a bullshit answer,” which is similar to something he said to Persephone the first night they talked on the phone, which was, “Ask an invasive question, get an invasive answer.” (Episode 105)

  • Hades says the apartment was a gift to Minthe and that he doesn’t take gifts back, yet he took back the coat he gave to Hera. (Episode 105)

  • The photo that Daphne posts to social media is from the same photoshoot for the Pomegranate Zero advertisement that was on Hades’ television when Zeus and Poseidon slept over. (Episode 108)

  • Persephone is handing out coins to shades on the Beach who don’t have money to pay Charon. In a previous episode, when Hades was giving her a tour of the Underworld, she expressed how awful she thought it was that they had to wait 100 years if they couldn’t pay. (Episode 110)

  • Whilst on the shores of Acheron, Persephone attempts to make a plant for protection but is unable to. When overcome with shades in Tartarus, she was able to make an entire forest. (Episode 110)

  • When Hades is panicking about having kissed Persephone and screwed up all the boundaries, he looks at Cerberus and says, “Somehow this is your fault.” In a previous episode, upon learning that he couldn’t remember visiting Hecate in the Mortal Realm, he looked at a bottle of alcohol and said, “Somehow this is your fault.” (Episode 111)

  • Only Sun Gods can withstand the heat of Helios, which explains why Thanatos was covered in bandages after speaking with Helios. (Episode 111)

  • When Persephone confronts Apollo, she says, “You’re dating a flower nymph!? What’s wrong with you!?” It’s unclear why the fact that Daphne is a flower nymph is of particular concern to Persephone. We don’t know much about flower nymphs except that they are rare. (Episode 113)

  • When Persephone is revealed to be a goddess and not just a butterfly, she covers Hades’ eyes with her hands and tells him not to look at her. This is a parallel to when Hades rescued Persephone from Tower 4, when she covered his eyes so he wouldn’t see her cry. (Episode 114)

Week 7 Wallpapers

Week 7 Podcast

The Week 7 podcast will post Saturday, August 1st, 2020 at 9PM EST.

Catch up on episodes on Apple Podcasts or Podbean, and be sure to like and subscribe!

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons


Lore Olympus Read Through Week 7 Quiz (Easy)


Lore Olympus Read Through Week 6 Quiz (Medium)