Rachel chats with Liv from Let’s Talk About Myths Baby
Rachel chats with Liv from the Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! (@mythsbaby) podcast about the release of #LoreOlympus Volume 1 and generally geeking out about mythology. Two of our favorites in one place!

Rachel chats with Marissa from The Happy Writer Podcast
Rachel chats with Marissa from the @happywriterpodcast about the release of Volume 1 of #LoreOlympus. It's a fantastic interview with a lot of insight on the writing process from both authors!

Receive Illustrated Wallpapers with your Lore Olympus Book Pre-order!
Get original illustrated wallpapers with your preorder! Visit LoreOlympusBooks.com/DigitalPreOrder for more information.

Lore Olympus PSA from Rachel
Lore Olympus will be taking a two-week break this August. Episodes will resume on August 28.

Lore Olympus: Volume One Comes Out on October 2021
Lore Olympians — is anyone still alive after Rachel announced her massive news? Delreybooks and Random House Publishing are bringing Lore Olympus in PRINT.

Frolic.Media: Rachel Smythe Dream Casts Lore Olympus
Rachel Smythe lists actors who she thinks best captures the spirit of the cast of Lore Olympus.

ON THE AIR with Rachel Smythe
Rachel Smythe, creator of the hit Webtoon LORE OLYMPUS, discusses making her very own myths in ON THE AIR.

The Jim Henson Company & Webtoons: Lore Olympus Animated Series
The Jim Henson Company and Webtoons are teaming up to develop Rachel Smythe’s Eisner Award Nominated web comic, Lore Olympus, as an animated series for young adults.