Episode 16: Stupid Boy

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Psyche’s sisters visit her at the apartment. None of them realize they are in Olympus nor that the man she’s living with is the god Eros. Her sisters convince her that he is an evil wizard and hand her a dagger to kill him.

“He’s clearly some sort of evil wizard. Plotting to harvest your mortal soul for his dark magicks.” -Psyche’s sister, Ep. 16

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

After her sister’s leave, a crying Psyche begins to doubt, thinking that they may be correct. She takes the dagger to Eros’ room, where he is asleep in the bed. When she pulls back the covers, she sees that he has wings and recognizes him as the God of Love. Eros wakes to see Psyche standing over him with the dagger, and his heart breaks that she didn’t trust him. 

Back in the present day, Eros finishes telling Artemis and Persephone the story. He relays that Psyche begged for forgiveness, but he couldn’t forgive her because he was heartbroken. Seeking out his mother, she agreed to deal with Psyche. He worries that he overreacted and wants to see her again. Instead, Aphrodite uses knowledge of Psyche’s whereabouts as leverage against him, which is why he helped her put Persephone in Hades’ car at the party.

Artemis and Persephone are visibly annoyed by his story. As Artemis argues with him, Persephone enters Hades’ phone number from the business card into her cell phone and texts him, “Hey, it’s me! I got a phone!”

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