Cosplayer Feature: Ivyash


Cosplay is all about self-expression & enjoying bringing the characters you love to life.

How long have you been doing cosplay and what first got you interested?

I’ve been doing cosplay since I was 17 years old, I’m now 28– so about 11 years! I first got into it by playing the game Final Fantasy X-2, Rikku was my first convention cosplay. I was also a big manga reader so both of these influenced my love for cosplaying.


Who is your favorite Lore Olympus character to cosplay?

I’m always caught between Persephone, Aphrodite & Hera.

I think I love Hera’s boss outfits the most of all. She’s got a great sense of style that is similar to mine.


What is the most memorable cosplay you did (doesn’t have to be Lore Olympus)? And why?

Dark Goddess Persephone & Coven Zyra from League of Legends. I like accessories and armor a lot


Tell us your Lore Olympus story. What got you into Lore Olympus and what made you stay?

A friend from work got me into Lore Olympus!

So I’m Italian, and I grew up loving Greek sculpture, mythology/lore. I’d spend time as a little kid flipping through art history books & was always drawn to this the most, especially the story of Hades/Persephone & Eros/Psyche.

That still carried into my undergrad where I minored in Art History & got to study Greek Art.

So Lore Olympus was right up my alley when I started it. I love Greek Mythology retellings & from the first episode it became my favorite Webtoon.


What other fandoms are you in? What’s special/unique about the Lore Olympus fandom?

I’m in League of Legends fandom, ATLA, Final Fantasy, comic characters (DC/Marvel). I just made a lot of friends in Lore & love the people in it.

Everyone is so incredibly talented & bring the characters to life in their own ways. It’s really neat to see.


If you could body snatch one LO character for a day, who would it be?

Persephone for sure! She’s so cute & tiny


Any advice for a new cosplayer out there?

Have fun. Cosplay is all about self-expression & enjoying bringing the characters you love to life.

Just for fun: Who did you get on the Hades’ dog character quiz?

I got Fudge! And I’m absolutely not surprised lol

Ivyash, or Ash to friends, is a 28 year old cosplayer, grad student & cast member from Orlando, FL. She studies Organizational Psychology & likes to spend her free time reading, with friends, & is part of a women’s fitness community.

Follow @ivyashcos on social media below:


Cara is a creative writer. Her written works have been featured and published in numerous platforms, including Thought Catalog, Eternal Remedy, and Vagabomb.

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