Nature of the Gods
How does Lore Olympus use myth as inspiration for character design, particularly in their god forms? Let’s take a look…

Theory: Artemis and Her Wolf
Artemis said that “She can make a wolf tell her its deepest secrets”. Since wolf she adopted witnessed the last altercation between Apollo and Artemis, will she know more about her brother through her wolf?

Episode 11: The Myth of Artemis
The elusive goddess of the moon, Artemis, has some fascinating myths. In this episode, Zimi narrates the story of Artemis.

Episode 10: Mortality and the Greek Gods
Zimi talks about Mortality and the Greek Gods

Episode 2: Virginity in Ancient Greece
In this episode, Zimi talks about the construct of virginity in Ancient Greece.

9 Personality Types
At its core, the Enneagram personality types help us to see ourselves at a deeper, more objective level and can be of invaluable assistance on our path to self-knowledge. Ultimately though, it is a subtle assignment of traits and with fictional characters, there is no right answer. Thus, what follows here is one person’s interpretation.