Starting Self Care

By Sarah

Self care isn’t always the easiest thing to add into a busy day. We tend to put ourselves last or feel guilty if we focus on ourselves when others want some of our time. Stress is a factor in our lives, so finding ways to reduce it can be pivotal in protecting your personal health, but you don’t need to work too hard to incorporate self care into your routine.

To help you get started, here are some small things you can do to give yourself a little moment to rest your mind.

  1. Get some sleep!

It sounds obvious to say, but not getting enough sleep can have a big impact on your emotional well being, especially if you are in stressful situations.

Having a night time routine helps cue your brain into a more relaxed state. Give yourself 30 minutes of wind down time at night to tell your brain to get ready for sweet dreams. Reducing the amount of light from TV or phones before bed can help you sleep into dreamland, as well.


2. Exercise is key.

Do you have time to exercise daily? Adding even 20 minutes of moderate exercise a day is linked with reducing stress and boosting your mood. You don’t have to go to the gym, you can walk around your neighborhood or do some yoga anywhere. The YouTube Channel Yoga with Adrienne has a great series of videos for beginners to get you started for free! saysI love going skateboarding and walking my dogs cause that's the best for you and your doggos.”


3. Treat yourself right by eating healthy options that make you feel good and do your body good.

Snacking on blueberries and nuts is a nice pick me up during the day. Fatty fish and green leafy veggies are also good choices for dinner time. Vitamin C has been linked to reducing the amount of cortisol, a stress hormone, so drinking a glass or orange juice can be super beneficial for vitamins and stress reduction. Moderation is key, but a little bit of dark chocolate can be beneficial in boosting your mood and reducing stress associated hormones.


4. Learn to say “No”

Try saying “No”. Go on. Do it!

Learning to say no can be really hard, but you have to be mindful about how much time and energy you give away.

Saying yes to too many things when you are stressed can lead to burnout, increased anxiety and irritability. You are not obligated to cater to every single request and whim all the time. Sometimes, it is okay to put your needs first. If you feel that a certain situation or task can harm your well-being, you have every valid reason to say “No.”


5. Venture out into the outside world. No, really.

Get out and see the world! Going on a trip on your own can be a really incredible experience. Get away for the weekend to somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do? Self care trips don’t need to be extravagant, you can simply drive one town over and see the sites. The goal here is to get away from your normal schedule and treat yourself to a new experience just for yourself.

*note: current circumstances are different

Of course, with the current pandemic, we advise to take necessary precautions in making travel plans. In fact, we do recommend postponing certain trips. An alternative is to go into the nearest park for a hike (there are some hiking areas that provide plenty of space and privacy) or simply taking your dog for a walk around the block. Sometimes, I simply like to open up my windows to let sunlight and fresh air in.


6. Get organized!

Decluttering and organizing your space doesn’t need to just be about throwing stuff away, it’s about becoming familiar with the items you have accumulated and figuring out what you need to keep, toss, or update to take better care of yourself.

When was the last time you cleared out your closet of clothes that you don’t wear anymore? Do you need a designated area to keep your keys everyday so getting out the door is easier? Do you want to keep a planner by fridge to keep a running grocery list?

What can you do to make your space work for you?


7. Treat yourself to a nice, home cooked meal.

Cook a healthy and delicious meal for yourself and your family once a week. People don’t often make time for dinner, so having one designated night a week to try out a new recipe can be a fun experience to look forward to.

You can look into meal delivery services or meal kits to make shopping easier.


8. Let your creativity flow.

Find time to create something with your hands. Letting your creativity out to play can be a restful break during the day.

Larosamorada85 says “It combines the benefits of mindfulness, the joy of accomplishment, and the satisfaction of making something with your hands. It could be anything- mine is baking, but I also write fan-fic, knit, crochet, and sometimes I bust out my paints.”

Allow yourself the opportunity engage your creative mind and have fun.


9. Make time for yourself.

Set aside time each week or day for yourself and protect it.

Don’t give that 20 minutes away, learn to say “no” and allow yourself to own that time for your own needs.

If your day is fully booked, maybe consider waking up 15 minutes earlier each day so you can enjoy a cup of coffee to yourself in silence.

Do you have any self-care tips? Feel free to share them below!



The Broke One’s Guide to Self Care


Loretober 2020