Love Languages

By Sarah

Let’s talk about love languages.

Love languages are different methods that people use to communicate their affection for people they love. This could vary from person to person or certain situations, so if you feel that a certain love language isn’t right for you, that’s okay! Learn more about love languages here.

We made a quiz based on Dr. Chapman’s love language quiz to help you determine which love language speaks to you.


 After taking the quiz, read what says about your result below. What types of love do you desire most for yourself? We also shared some tips to how you can apply your love language to how you show yourself some care.

Tip: You may print these into cards, shuffle them, and pick one card for the day!

Quality Time

If your love language is quality time, that means you get more out of spending time with the one you love. To apply that to yourself, do activities that allow you to give yourself your undivided attention. Self dates where you can avoid distractions and remain present in the moment and yourself are key.


Words of Affirmation

If your love language is words of affirmation, remember to speak lovingly to yourself. At times, we can be our own worst critics and a reminder to be kind to ourselves is never a bad idea. Replacing negative self-talk with loving words can be a powerful way to show yourself the love you need to brighten your day.


Receiving Gifts

You love the idea that someone bought or made a gift with just you in mind. Treat yourself to a meaningful gift that is inspiring and makes yourself feel happy. It doesn't need to be a lavish gift, but that little something that you have been eying for a while? You deserve it.


Physical Touch

If physical touch is your love language, showing affection through physical touch calms you down and makes you happiest. When it comes to self care, take the steps you need to feel more in tune with your body.

Relaxing physical self care activities look different for everyone, so feel free to experiment. You could try an at-home spa day or something as simple as taking a walk around your neighborhood after work! 


Acts of Service 

This love language is all about showing the people in your life you care. It’s about putting love into action. Little acts of service for yourself can take the form of meal prep, organizing a room, or getting rid of clutter that's been bringing you down. As you go about making your to do list for others, just remember to add a little something for yourself.



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