Episode 07: A Very Good Boy

Editor: Bekah Caden
Released: 25 March 2018

It’s the morning after the Panathenea and Hades starts to get ready for the day. While he was getting dressed, he hears incessant barking and wonders what Cerberus is “losing his shit” about. When he realized what (or who) it could be, he rushes to find Cerberus, only to see him standing in front of Persephone in his giant form at the pool house.

He stares at her and wonders why she isn’t afraid. He quickly appears behind her and implores Cerberus to stop, only to be told by Persephone to not worry, as she knows what she’s doing. To his surprise, Persephone reaches for Cerberus and Cerberus succumbs to her charms. She starts to pet him and he enthusiastically complies, much to an astonished Hades.

He says that not anyone can reduce the gatekeeper of the Underworld to an all-too-willing dog for petting and that he is impressed. He helps Persephone get to her feet.

The moment their hands touched, Persephone flooms flowers around her head. Hades cocks an eyebrow, and she apologizes, blushing. She asks for a jacket that she could borrow as she feels cold, and Hades gives her a coat that was supposedly a gift for Hera.

“I’ve never been so jealous of a damn dog.”


Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

When she tries on the coat, she asks him how she looks, to which he replies, she looks sufficient.

He leads her to the kitchen where they can have coffee. She sits on the counter as Hades prepares coffee for her, and she sees a text message on his phone coming from “Minthe.”



Episode 08: Handfull


Episode 06: The Greenhouse