The Mortal Realm
The Mortal Realm
Where the mortals live and the gods come to play. Persephone grew up in the Mortal Realm.
Demeter’s Home
The Goddess of the Harvest and the CEO of the Barley Mother Corporation employs many nymphs.

Hecate’s Bedroom
Hecate stayed in the Mortal Realm to study poisonous plants with Demeter and Persephone.
The Fields
The Forest (Past the Mountains)
Sometimes war gods fall from the sky here. Persephone is also seen hanging out in here away from the rest, with her snacks and books.
Where Persephone is from. Hades was born here as well.
Psyche’s Home
Psyche’s home is seen when Eros tries to find her and attempts to make her fall in love with the pig, Sweetpea. She is seen working on a painting of the god of love in her room.
Semele’s Home
Where we met the littlest puppy, Pomelia.