Special Feature: Helvetica Dubs


How long has Helvetica Dubs been around and what first got you started?

Helvetica Dubs has been around for exactly 2 years as of September 29th, 2018! Originally, a few close friends and I had recorded a fandub of a scene from the Netflix reboot of “Voltron” and had a lot of fun with it. We ultimately decided to expand our range of dubs from fandubs to comic dubs!


How long does it take to produce one video (say...10 minutes)?

Our average Lore Olympus videos range anywhere from 18-25 minutes which normally take an entire month to produce! The voice actors have about 2 weeks for recording, and my editor and I use the remaining 2 weeks for audio and visuals. This is why our videos come out monthly instead of every week.


How do you cast the voice actors?

When the channel first started, we recycled our actors among the same 8-9 people. However, as we continued with the series and the amount of characters increased, we decided to reach out to other voice actors in the community! Depending on how urgent I need a voice, I often search through Twitter and listen to demo reels and privately cast, or I choose a voice for a new character based on our current cast! We’ve recently added actors onto our talent pool so that makes the casting process a lot less time consuming.


Do any voice actors play multiple parts?

We have an ongoing joke of our handful of actors who play the “rainbow of characters”! Most viewers don’t notice, but some of our actors have voiced for 10+ different characters!

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Who is your favorite Lore Olympus character and why?

My personal favorite Lore Olympus character is Ares! We’ve recently finished production on the episodes with his first appearance, and his abrasive and humorous personality always gets a laugh out of me! My favorite character always changes as we continue through the dub, but at the moment I strongly stand by Ares.


What is the most memorable video you’ve produced for Lore Olympus?

Lore Olympus Part 20 (Episodes 73-80) is definitely the most memorable. It’s 8 episodes long which is double the length of a normal dubbed part, and it has a large variety of ups and downs throughout it with some very iconic scenes!


Tell us your Lore Olympus story. What got you into Lore Olympus and what made you stay?

When we first began comic dubs, we had never dubbed a WEBTOON comic in the past, so when a friend introduced Lore Olympus to me, I was immediately interested. I had never heard of the platform before and I was always intrigued in the story of the Greek Gods!

Once we began working on it, I noticed that it immediately drew the interests of new fans and people genuinely enjoyed our interpretation of the characters! With the encouraging words from our viewers and cast alike, it gave me the motivation to continue the dub and finish dubbing it!


What are your future plans for Helvetica Dubs? Any new projects?

Helvetica Dubs has plenty of new projects in store for the future! We’re always open to WEBTOON scene dub requests where we work directly with artists to help bring their stories to life. We have an assortment of popular fandom dubs in the works along with scene dubs of everyone’s favorite WEBTOONs!


Any advice for those new to voice acting or video production?

For voice acting, it isn’t an easy industry to break into right away, and it will take a lot of hard work, drive, and most importantly, time.

If voice acting is something you’d love to begin doing as a hobby or even as a career, my best advice is to never give up! If you keep working and remain productive, you’ll do amazing!

As for video production, trust me I know it’s time consuming and losing motivation is one of the major conflicts to editors, but never forget that you should have fun while working on your project! View it as something you want to do, not because you have to do it. It’s such a great feeling when you complete a project and I believe that you can do it!

Loganne Digma is a 17 year old VOICE ACTOR, SINGER, AND DIRECTOR from Florida. Sh'e’s worked with over 50+ actors for comic dubbing productions and has a passion for performing arts.

Follow LOGANNE & HELVETICA DUBS on social media below:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helveticadubs/







Cara is a creative writer. Her written works have been featured and published in numerous platforms, including Thought Catalog, Eternal Remedy, and Vagabomb.


Artist Feature: Gabrielle


Fanart Round-Up: Hades