New Character: Hephaestus
By Miss T and Scarlet
What the Myth Tells Us About Hephaestus
His origins and life story vary, depending on the version of the myth. In some, it is said that Hera grew envious of Zeus when he bore Athena, and decided to birth Hephaestus on her own. However, he came out so deformed and she was so disgusted that she exiled him from Olympus. In another myth, it’s said that it was Zeus who banished Hephaestus.
Hephaestus’ parental origins are also unclear; some say he was Hera’s sole son, while others claim he is the son of both Zeus and Hera.
Highlights of Hephaestus’ Myth
Hephaestus is the God of Fire and Forge, and he is often associated with volcanoes. His Roman counterpart is named “Vulcan”, and it is said that while in exile, he lived in Mount Etna, the most active volcano in Europe.
He is often described as “lame”, “disfigured”, or with disabilities specific to his legs. In some stories, this is due to him being literally thrown from Olympus by his mother Hera, and in some, due to a fight with Zeus.
He is an Olympian, powerful, and representing a trade (blacksmith) that was incredibly important to society.
He shares many symbolic opposites and similarities to his brother, Ares, and sister, Athena.
He is married to Aphrodite for a short while. Not many accounts tell of them having children, as Aphrodite is rather known to have affairs during their marriage. The most well-known story about their marriage is the Ares/Aphrodite tryst: Hephaestus built a net that trapped them together while in the middle of lovemaking, and called upon the other gods to mock them.
Hephaestus From a series of Twelve Olympian Gods, with Signs of the Zodiac German Johann Georg Bergmüller (German, 1688–1762)
Homeric Hymn 20 to Hephaestus (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th to 4th B.C.)
"Sing, clear-voiced Mousa (Muse), of Hephaistos (Hephaestus) famed for inventions (klytometis). With bright-eyed Athene he taught men glorious crafts throughout the world,--men who before used to dwell caves in the mountains like wild beasts. But now that they have learned crafts through Hephaistos the famed worker (klytotekhnes), easily they live a peaceful life in their own houses the whole year round. Be gracious, Hephaistos, and grant me success and prosperity!"
What Lore Olympus Tells Us
He has running blade prosthetic legs and a robotic prosthetic left arm.
His relationship with his family is distant, though not completely horrible. (He still addresses Hera as “Mom/Ma” and visits her when hearing she is ill)
Prior to visiting Hera when sick, he hadn’t been home in at least 8 years (Hebe’s estimated age).
He is solitary and skilled in hacking and tech development, currently working for Underworld Corp. This could possibly mean he also lives in the Underworld.
He likes caffeine (coffee cups all over).
He seems gentle and helpful, with no problem assisting his mother with the photos, and even apologizes to his AI, Aetna, about what they are.
Shaved Head: After trauma, people often make drastic changes to their hair. Also, in Ancient Greek Culture, a shorn head was associated with grief. Hair on men was a sign of masculinity and beauty, perhaps a hint. that he is seen. as less or that he willingly removed himself from this comparison.
Copper Skin Tone: While he is called “The Burnt-Colored One” and his coloring could reflect the forge or even lava, it could also be related to Aphrodite. The Alchemy symbol for Copper is the Symbol of Venus.
His prosthetic arm is gold: Is this a way to connect to Hera and/or Ares?
Hands in his pockets: This can indicate feeling powerless, shy, or defensive.
Rainbow eyes: The symbol for neurodiversity movement is a rainbow infinity symbol. Could Aetna’s eyes be a clue?
Hephaestus could intertwine with many subplots in Lore Olympus.
He is a mythic suitor for Persephone, and his name is listed under her list of possible suitors in Hera’s book.
He works with Hades/Underworld Corp
Mythic and infamous love triangle/drama with Aphrodite and Ares could heat up.
His complicated relationship with his parent/s, Hera and Zeus. Based on his reaction, “Cool” to Persephone being wanted by Zeus for treason, we can guess he doesn’t care for Zeus much.
Translating blacksmith to tech guy makes total sense. In ancient societies, smithing was taxing and isolated work, highly skilled and shrouded in mystery. Many even considered it — like technology today — close to magic! Besides removing the photos from Apollo’s phone easily, what else is Hephaestus capable of?
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