Breathing Exercises

By Scarlet


Breathing is something that we all take for granted (understatement of the year!), but did you know that many of us are not breathing correctly? We all know that we need to breathe to survive, but correct breathing can do more for us than fulfill our base need for survival.

let’s talk about breathing

Breathing Exercises have been taught as a form of meditation for centuries, and recently as a means of managing bouts of anxiety and panic. When we become anxious our bodies go into panic mode. In panic mode our heart rate increases, and as our heart rate increases our breathing becomes labored.

As our breathing becomes shallower, the amount of oxygen we take into our bodies decreases. This in turn starves the brain of much needed oxygen and can lead to hyperventilation, wherein the body expels increased levels of carbon dioxide further depleting the levels of oxygen in the body. Very often, it is during periods of panic that we need to make a decision, however our ability to make rational and appropriate decisions is affected by the decreased level of oxygen reaching the brain.  This can result in ill judged, rash decisions and actions being made during periods of heightened anxiety and stress.   

how can this help?

Practicing some simple Breathing Exercises can help you to gain control of your breathing and in turn oxygen levels, ensuring that your body is not going into panic mode.


Belly Breathing Technique

This very basic technique can help you relax and relieve stress, by helping to open up your lungs and letting air in.

  • Get yourself into a comfortable position. Sitting or lying down is effective.

  • Place a hand on your stomach just below your ribs. Place your other hand on your chest.

  • Inhale deeply through your nose, so that it pushes your belly out, making the hand on it rise. Be careful to make sure your hand on your chest doesn't rise.

  • Then exhale slowly through your mouth. As you exhale the hand on your belly should fall. Apply a bit of pressure to your hand as it falls and use it to push the remaining air out. Repeat this slowly another 5 to 10 times.


Mindfulness Breathing Technique

Mindfulness breathing can help to clear your mind of the daily stress of life.

  • Get comfortable, preferably on the floor, but sitting is fine. Place a cushion under your head. Lie flat out with your arms at your sides with your hands open.

  • Think about the immediate space around you, and relax your body. Think about the shape of your body and it’s weight. Think about how it feels against the floor, or the fabric of the carpet. Think about any areas of tightness or tensions. 

  • Think about your breathing. Feel the flow of your breath as you inhale and exhale. Think about your lungs expanding as you breath in and how they shrink as you exhale. Think about the way your breathing affects your belly and nostrils.

  • Continue to consciously think about what your body is doing at this moment. If you find yourself getting distracted just refocus on how your body is physically responding to your breathing.

  •  Continue to think about your breathing, in silence for 5 minutes.

  • After five minutes, start to slowly move your body. Start off by gently wiggling your fingers and your toes. Think about how your body feels to be moving again. 

  • Slowly stretch out your legs. Think about how they feel as you stretch them out. Arch your back and think about how it feels to open up your chest cavity. 

  • Slowly, begin to sit up as your body begins to wake up. Think about your immediate surroundings. Look around your space, and think about the room.  

  • Finally, fully standing stretch your arms to the sky and open up your body as wide as you can, and take one final deep breath and release.



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