PomegraNet | Lore Olympians (Lore Olympus Analysis, Theories, and other Fun Things)

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Artist Feature: Jamie

How long have you done art? What mediums have you tried?

I started drawing traditionally in high school with colored pencils and water color. I continued for a bit in college but stopped after I got my first job and didn’t pick it back up until I graduated from law school last year. I started digital illustration in March and taught myself with lots and lots of YouTube tutorials.

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How would you describe your style?

I love incorporating lots of textures and colors in my art. I can’t draw straight lines if it saved my life, so it really dictated my art style- a little messy and never too “perfect.”

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Tell us your Lore Olympus story. What got you into Lore Olympus? What made you stay?

In May of this year, an artist I follow on Instagram kept posting panels from one of the episodes. I thought to myself, that’s so silly, look at these cartoon characters, what is all the fuss about? I read the first episode and 4 hours later I went through the entire series.

I remember the first time I was introduced to Underworld Corp. and was so enchanted by how sleek and modern the underworld was depicted- so different than how it normally is in re-telling. That’s when I was really hooked in.

And of course- there is Hera and Hades, whose relationship and backstory I just adore!

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If you could body snatch one LO character for a day, who would it be?

It would most definitely be Hecate. Her style is impeccable, she’s a lady in charge, and she must know ALL the secrets of the Underworld.

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Which Lore Olympus fan art are you most proud of and why?

It is the piece that I drew of Hera holding Hades, and they’re both shirtless so you can see their scars. I was nervous about posting it because I wasn’t sure how it was going to be received, knowing that the Lore Olympus story is primarily about Persephone and Hades. I was sure I was going to lose so many followers! But on the day I posted it I got so many comments about how much people enjoyed it- and it reminded me that creating art is about conveying your feelings, and when you do so honestly, people respond to it. I don’t think I would have met the people I’m closest to now had I not posted it!

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Any advice for someone looking to build their art skills?

Keep creating! As much as you can. I can hardly believe how far I’ve come since I started digital illustrating in March. I remember being so frustrated when I first started because I kept comparing myself to these amazing artists I had been following for years. But I just kept at it. And I’m still learning!

Just remember- it’s not about perfection, it’s about progress.

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How has the fandom received your work - any particular positive or negative experiences?

It’s no secret that I ship Hades and Hera- and even those who don’t like that pairing still take the time to comment how much they enjoy my art! I really haven’t run into any negative experiences. The most positive experiences are the opportunities to collaborate with other artists, which is my absolute favorite thing. I’ve reached out to other artists to give me dress ideas for Hecate to wear for my Hecate fashion posts, and currently collaborating with artists @abgdraws and @josybro for a Loresona series where we draw our Loresonas in some joke panels creeping on Hades and Hera’s romantic moments! I also like to ask fellow fans to caption my posts or provide a song that captures the feeling of a post.

Honestly, this fandom is everything. They are the reason I’m so inspired to create. There are so many incredible artists on Instagram that I am now lucky to call my friends. Everyone is so supportive and positive. I’m so glad I can share this space with so many people who make me feel safe to share my daydreams with them!

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Who did you get on our Hades' dog character quiz? And do you agree?

I got Cerberus. Maybe because I am very protective of my people!

Jamie is an attorney living in California with the two loves of her life- one human, one dog. She enjoys good food, getting lost in books, and Star Wars movies. When she’s not obsessing over Lore Olympus, she can be found re-watching her favorite episodes of The Office, Parks and Recreation, and Breaking Bad. You can follow Jamie at:

Instagram: @hebe_jebbies

Twitter: @hebe_jebbies