PomegraNet | Lore Olympians (Lore Olympus Analysis, Theories, and other Fun Things)

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Episode 62: Doe

Editor: Annie LaHue
Released: 9 June 2019


Hestia and Artemis have the monthly TGOEM meeting. Athena is absent. Hestia says the fundraising for their temples in the mortal realm went well and she wants to bring on a new member, Kore, who Artemis admits she’s never heard of.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Artemis is a purple fawn/doe watching a blue nymph harvest wheat (date unknown). A green nymph runs up to Demeter to talk about timely shipment to Olympus factories. Demeter and the nymph come upon Persephone studying. “Hello, little bean! Have you finished your studies? My daughter is clever.” She reviews her work and chastises her for two wrong answers, saying it's the third time this month. After sighing, Demeter asks what she’ll do with her afternoon.

Persephone wants to go to the “forests past the mountain.” Demeter agrees but only if the flower nymphs go with her. When Persephone says she’d rather go alone, her mother replies, “You know exactly why that isn’t a good idea...We’ve had this argument too many times.” Artemis watches the interchange as a deer.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

Flash forward to a different TGOEM monthly meeting (date unknown). Hestia, Athena, and Artemis sit on one side of a table. Hestia offers Persephone an academic scholarship. Persephone stands up. “Does that mean I-I could move to Olympus?” she asks Demeter, who suggests they commute and homeschool. Demeter calls her “Honey, you’re going to be such a good role model to other girls.” Her mother is wearing the green brooch that Persephone likely later wears.

Artemis tells a quiet Athena (and her owl) that they treat Persephone like a “show pony…she’s miserable…I don’t want to get involved.” But after a moment, Artemis stands up and offers to let Persephone live with her.


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