PomegraNet | Lore Olympians (Lore Olympus Analysis, Theories, and other Fun Things)

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Episode 23: A Wolf in the Hen House (Part 2)

Editor: Bekah Caden
Released: 29 July 2018

Content Warning: rape, sexual assault, trauma

Hermes barges into the kitchen with the first aid kit. Upon seeing Apollo and Persephone, he asks if he’s interrupting anything. Apollo says yes while Persephone says not at all. Jokingly, Hermes tells Persephone to blink twice if she’s in trouble.

Apollo grabs the first aid kit from Hermes and uses it to heal Persephone’s injury. She thanks him and says he’s not so useless after all. Apollo then asks if she’s still mad at him and Persephone says no. He responds by instantly grabbing Persephone and having Hermes snap a few pictures of the two of them together (one being the photo Hera showed Hades at the strip club in Episode 20).

Hermes notices and comments that Persephone looks uncomfortable, albeit sarcastically, just as Artemis walks in.

Photo from Webtoons

Photo from Webtoons

“Why would he be interested in knowing me? Just a minor goddess with a role of little to no impact.”


Photo from Webtoons

Later, they all play a board game and watch a movie while Persephone thinks about why Hades still hasn’t texted her back. She wonders if Apollo and Artemis were right, and whether Hades is like his brothers with their many sordid affairs. She likes the attention Hades gave her and how for once she didn’t feel like she was being treated like a child, but feels guilty because of her commitment to TGOEM.

While everyone else is still watching the movie (except Hermes who has already fallen asleep on the couch), Persephone announces she’s going to bed. Artemis says she has to leave for work in the Mortal Realm soon, but Apollo and Hermes can stay and finish the movie if they want. After Artemis leaves, Apollo checks to make sure Hermes is asleep, and then walks down the hall towards Persephone’s room.


Recovering from Rape and Sexual Trauma | Helpguide.org

What Consent Looks Like | RAINN

Surviving and Healing After Rape | VeryWellHealth

Recovering from Sexual Violence | RAINN.org




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